Band ProgramS
2020 - 2021
Concert Band
Grade: 6th Grade
Practice Date:
Tuesday & Thursday
Symphonic Band
Grade: 7th & 8th Grade
Practice Date:
Monday & Friday
Jazz Band
Grade: 7th & 8th Grade
Practice Date:
Band Program 2020-2021
IntroductionItasca District 10 is committed to providing its students with a well‐rounded, liberal arts education. For that reason, it has supported performance‐based music programs throughout its history. These programs include band, an elective class with a curriculum that meets state and national standards for music education. In band, students share and bring to life musical works through the expressive playing of wind and percussion instruments. Unlike other extracurricular activities, band is a structured class with targeted learning outcomes. As a result, students who put forth consistent effort with faithful attendance will develop a lifelong love of music, as well as the skills necessary to share this deeply human art form with others.
Mission StatementIt is the mission of the District 10 band program to provide a quality music education in a nurturing environment that promotes collaboration and creative thinking. The band program exists to foster aesthetic growth as an essential part of a child’s total education. The band program is dedicated to developing the highest level of musicianship through a comprehensive curriculum, in keeping with each child’s interests, needs and abilities.
Long Range Goals
RecruitmentRecruitment occurs each September at Franzen Intermediate School and involves students in grade 5. While middle school students may join band late, they must first achieve a prescribed level of proficiency on an approved instrument before being assigned to an ensemble. To reach the necessary level of proficiency, outside private lessons are often necessary.
Mission StatementIt is the mission of the District 10 band program to provide a quality music education in a nurturing environment that promotes collaboration and creative thinking. The band program exists to foster aesthetic growth as an essential part of a child’s total education. The band program is dedicated to developing the highest level of musicianship through a comprehensive curriculum, in keeping with each child’s interests, needs and abilities.
Long Range Goals
- To artistically share performance-‐based music composed in a variety of styles and forms
- To gain musical knowledge, to improve musical skills, and to engage in musical thinking
- To be ambassadors of musicianship
- To prepare for advanced-‐level music making while developing a lifelong love of music
RecruitmentRecruitment occurs each September at Franzen Intermediate School and involves students in grade 5. While middle school students may join band late, they must first achieve a prescribed level of proficiency on an approved instrument before being assigned to an ensemble. To reach the necessary level of proficiency, outside private lessons are often necessary.
Band Registration Form
For returning band members entering grade 6-8.
Participation Fee: $50
Due: Month XX
Contact Band Director
Timothy Loest
Band Program Handbook
Download 2020-21 Handbook PDF
- Mission Statement
- Long Range Goals
- Recruitment
Band Placement and Rehearsal Schedule
- Morning Rehearsal Protocol
- Attendance Policy
- Small Group Lessons
- Private Lessons
- Bus Trips
- Curriculum and Grade Criteria
- Practice Requirements
- Method Books
- Behavioral Expectations
- Dress Code-Uniform Requirements
- Dress Code-Performance Protocol
- Awards
- Financial Obligations
- Budget
- Itasca Music Boosters
- Fundraising
- Summer Involvements
- Why Music?
Band Program Handbook 2020-2021
IntroductionItasca District 10 is committed to providing its students with a well‐rounded, liberal arts education. For that reason, it has supported performance‐based music programs throughout its history. These programs include band, an elective class with a curriculum that meets state and national standards for music education. In band, students share and bring to life musical works through the expressive playing of wind and percussion instruments. Unlike other extracurricular activities, band is a structured class with targeted learning outcomes. As a result, students who put forth consistent effort with faithful attendance will develop a lifelong love of music, as well as the skills necessary to share this deeply human art form with others.
Mission StatementIt is the mission of the District 10 band program to provide a quality music education in a nurturing environment that promotes collaboration and creative thinking. The band program exists to foster aesthetic growth as an essential part of a child’s total education. The band program is dedicated to developing the highest level of musicianship through a comprehensive curriculum, in keeping with each child’s interests, needs and abilities.
Long Range Goals
RecruitmentRecruitment occurs each September at Franzen Intermediate School and involves students in grade 5. While middle school students may join band late, they must first achieve a prescribed level of proficiency on an approved instrument before being assigned to an ensemble. To reach the necessary level of proficiency, outside private lessons are often necessary.
Mission StatementIt is the mission of the District 10 band program to provide a quality music education in a nurturing environment that promotes collaboration and creative thinking. The band program exists to foster aesthetic growth as an essential part of a child’s total education. The band program is dedicated to developing the highest level of musicianship through a comprehensive curriculum, in keeping with each child’s interests, needs and abilities.
Long Range Goals
- To artistically share performance-‐based music composed in a variety of styles and forms
- To gain musical knowledge, to improve musical skills, and to engage in musical thinking
- To be ambassadors of musicianship
- To prepare for advanced-‐level music making while developing a lifelong love of music
RecruitmentRecruitment occurs each September at Franzen Intermediate School and involves students in grade 5. While middle school students may join band late, they must first achieve a prescribed level of proficiency on an approved instrument before being assigned to an ensemble. To reach the necessary level of proficiency, outside private lessons are often necessary.
Band Placement and Rehearsal Schedule
Peacock Concert BandThe Concert Band consists of students, mostly in grade 6, who have met proficiency, practice, and attendance requirements. Proficiency requirements include demonstrating proper playing posture, correct embouchure or stick grip with a characteristic tone, and accurate performance of music at the grade 1+ level, based on a standard 1‐6 band music grading scale.
The Concert Band rehearsal:
Tuesday and Thursday
7:15 - 7:53 am
in the Peacock Band room.
Peacock Symphonic BandThe Symphonic Band consists of students, mostly in grades 7‐8, who have met proficiency, practice, and attendance requirements. Proficiency requirements include demonstrating proper playing posture, correct embouchure or stick grip with a characteristic tone, and accurate performance of music at the grade 2+ level, based on a standard 1‐6 band music grading scale. The Symphonic Band rehearsal: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:15 - 7:53 am in the Peacock Band room.
Peacock Jazz Band The Jazz Band consists primarily of seventh and eighth grade students selected by audition. Qualified Symphonic Band members fill positions first (this includes guitar, piano, bass, and drums). If a position is unfilled, then Concert Band members may be recruited. If a position still remains unfilled, then students from outside the band program may be recruited. The Jazz Band rehearsal: Wednesday 3:00 - 4:15 pm in the Peacock Band room. Extra rehearsals are scheduled as needed.
Peacock Symphonic BandThe Symphonic Band consists of students, mostly in grades 7‐8, who have met proficiency, practice, and attendance requirements. Proficiency requirements include demonstrating proper playing posture, correct embouchure or stick grip with a characteristic tone, and accurate performance of music at the grade 2+ level, based on a standard 1‐6 band music grading scale. The Symphonic Band rehearsal: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:15 - 7:53 am in the Peacock Band room.
Peacock Jazz Band The Jazz Band consists primarily of seventh and eighth grade students selected by audition. Qualified Symphonic Band members fill positions first (this includes guitar, piano, bass, and drums). If a position is unfilled, then Concert Band members may be recruited. If a position still remains unfilled, then students from outside the band program may be recruited. The Jazz Band rehearsal: Wednesday 3:00 - 4:15 pm in the Peacock Band room. Extra rehearsals are scheduled as needed.
Morning Rehearsal Protocol - Concert Band and Symphonic Band7:00 - Arrive7:10 - Inside Band Room/Personal Warm-ups and Tuning7:15 - Announcements and Attendance7:20 - Group Warm-ups7:30 - Repertorie7:53 - Dismissal
Attendance PolicyConsistent and on time attendance at rehearsals, lessons, and performances is a program requirement. Attendance is graded.
Excused Absence Policy - Board of Education Policy 7:70A valid cause for an absence includes illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediately family, family emergency, other situations beyond the control of the student, other circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s safety or health, or other reason as approved by the Superintendent of designee.
Unexcused Rehearsal TardinessIn Concert Band, 1 point is deducted for each incident. In Symphonic Band, 2 points are deducted for each incident. Frequent tardiness may lead to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Unexcused Rehearsal AbsenceIn Concert Band, 3 points are deducted for each incident. In Symphonic Band, 4 points are deducted for each incident. More than three unexcused absences leads to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Scholastic Rehearsal Absence - 1 per TermOne Scholastic Absence (SA) may be taken per term for academic reasons (completing homework, taking a test, or attending tutorial). Students who do not take a SA will receive extra credit points (Concert Band = 2 points, Symphonic Band = 3 points). Scholastic Absences are granted with the following requirement and limitation:
Unexcused Lesson Absence Weekly pullout lessons occur during the school day and follow a rotating schedule. Unexcused lesson absences lead to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Performance Events Attendance Requirements Performances are musical assessments that demonstrate learning. They also provide artistic community outreach. All performances are published on the District 10 and Peacock online calendars. It is expected that families prioritize band performances above non school-sponsored events. If an unavoidable conflict arises, the parent/guardian must notify the director as far in advance as possible to review the situation. An excused performance absence may result in makeup work. An unexcused performance absence may lead to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Excused Absence Policy - Board of Education Policy 7:70A valid cause for an absence includes illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediately family, family emergency, other situations beyond the control of the student, other circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s safety or health, or other reason as approved by the Superintendent of designee.
Unexcused Rehearsal TardinessIn Concert Band, 1 point is deducted for each incident. In Symphonic Band, 2 points are deducted for each incident. Frequent tardiness may lead to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Unexcused Rehearsal AbsenceIn Concert Band, 3 points are deducted for each incident. In Symphonic Band, 4 points are deducted for each incident. More than three unexcused absences leads to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Scholastic Rehearsal Absence - 1 per TermOne Scholastic Absence (SA) may be taken per term for academic reasons (completing homework, taking a test, or attending tutorial). Students who do not take a SA will receive extra credit points (Concert Band = 2 points, Symphonic Band = 3 points). Scholastic Absences are granted with the following requirement and limitation:
- The parent/guardian must request the SA in advance via email:
- The SA may not be taken the final rehearsal before a performance.
Unexcused Lesson Absence Weekly pullout lessons occur during the school day and follow a rotating schedule. Unexcused lesson absences lead to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Performance Events Attendance Requirements Performances are musical assessments that demonstrate learning. They also provide artistic community outreach. All performances are published on the District 10 and Peacock online calendars. It is expected that families prioritize band performances above non school-sponsored events. If an unavoidable conflict arises, the parent/guardian must notify the director as far in advance as possible to review the situation. An excused performance absence may result in makeup work. An unexcused performance absence may lead to lower seating placement or dismissal.
Small Group LessonsSmall group lessons occur during the school day and rotate so that students do not miss the same core subject each week. This design makes deviations from the schedule unnecessary.
Private LessonsWhile private lessons are not a program requirement, they are highly recommended. Music and Arts in Itasca has several qualified instructors on each instrument.
Private LessonsWhile private lessons are not a program requirement, they are highly recommended. Music and Arts in Itasca has several qualified instructors on each instrument.
Performance DatesPerformances showcase student learning while providing valuable community outreach. To assist families with planning, performance dates are published prior to the start of each school year. On rare occasion, a concert date may change due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts. When this occurs, families are contacted through email as far in advance as possible.
Bus TripsTravel to and from field trip sites is by school bus. A band member confronted with a unique travel circumstance may travel with the parent/guardian pending approval. The parent/guardian must notify the director as far in advance as possible to review the situation.
Curricurum and Grade CriteriaBand students receive letter grades on their school report card. During the first term, students are graded on Rehearsal Procedures (Attendance/Tuning). During terms 2‐4, students are presented with a quarterly syllabus and are assessed in the following areas:
Term 2 20% - Practice Card – Weekly 20% - Playing Test – Seating Tryout 10% - Rhythm Quiz 10% - Theory Quiz – Dynamics 40% - Rehearsal Procedures (Attendance/Tuning)
Term 3 20% - Practice Card – Weekly 20% - Playing Test – Seating Tryout 10% - Rhythm Quiz 10% - Theory Quiz – Style Terms 40% - Rehearsal Procedures (Attendance/Tuning)
Term 4 20% - Practice Card – Weekly 20% - Playing Test – Parade Music Memorized 10% - Rhythm Quiz 10% - Theory Quiz – Tempo Terms 40% - Rehearsal Procedures (Attendance/Tuning)
Practice RequirementsPractice is a necessary part of participation in band. Practice requirements are attainable: 20 minutes per day, five days per week. Students are issued a practice card that must be completed, signed by the parent/guardian, and submitted on time for weekly credit.
Method BooksEach band student must own a method book. The primary method book used is Measures of Success (The FJH Music Company Inc.). Other method books will be used when deemed necessary.
Method BooksEach band student must own a method book. The primary method book used is Measures of Success (The FJH Music Company Inc.). Other method books will be used when deemed necessary.
Behavioral ExpectationsDiscipline includes following behavioral norms to reach a state of achievement. The following Encore Team Achievement Guidelines guide student behavior:
Being Respectful Means1. Demonstrating respect for the instructor and other students2. Demonstrating respect for safety rules and equipment3. Being a good listener and using appropriate language/voice4. Respecting others’ opinions, space, and property
Being Responsible Means 1. Arriving to class on time and in a quiet, orderly fashion2. Bringing required materials3. Keeping all property and equipment in designated areas4. Being on task and ready to participate5. Cleaning up after yourself6. Submitting assignments by due date for full credit
Being Proud Means 1. Doing your best and taking pride in your work2. Being positive and praising of others3. Taking care of classroom by keeping food, drink, gum and candy outside of class
Consequences for Not Following Guidelines 1. Student Conference2. Parent Contact (phone call or email)3. 30 Minute Detention4. 1 Hour Detention5. Office Referral
Being Respectful Means1. Demonstrating respect for the instructor and other students2. Demonstrating respect for safety rules and equipment3. Being a good listener and using appropriate language/voice4. Respecting others’ opinions, space, and property
Being Responsible Means 1. Arriving to class on time and in a quiet, orderly fashion2. Bringing required materials3. Keeping all property and equipment in designated areas4. Being on task and ready to participate5. Cleaning up after yourself6. Submitting assignments by due date for full credit
Being Proud Means 1. Doing your best and taking pride in your work2. Being positive and praising of others3. Taking care of classroom by keeping food, drink, gum and candy outside of class
Consequences for Not Following Guidelines 1. Student Conference2. Parent Contact (phone call or email)3. 30 Minute Detention4. 1 Hour Detention5. Office Referral
Dress Code – Uniform RequirementsSchool Issued ItemsBand members are issued vests, cummerbunds, and bow ties. These items are collected after the Memorial Day parade. Band members are also issued a white tuxedo shirt. The shirt may be kept. Lost items must be replaced at retail cost.
Family Provided ItemsBand families must provide black dress pants, black dress shoes, and black dress socks. Wool, synthetic, or smooth cotton pants are acceptable. Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, or Capri pants may not be worn. Shoes should have a low heel and be tie‐style. Boots, clogs, athletic footwear, high‐heels, flip‐flops, slippers, or open‐toed shoes may not be worn. As a convenience to families, band shoes can be purchased through the Itasca Music Boosters. Sizes and orders are taken in the fall. Dress socks must be solid black.
Dress Code – Performance ProtocolPerformance is contingent upon meeting established uniform requirements. Prior to each concert, students must check in at the uniform inspection table. Students who are not fully or correctly outfitted will be asked to call home to remedy the situation before the performance begins.
Family Provided ItemsBand families must provide black dress pants, black dress shoes, and black dress socks. Wool, synthetic, or smooth cotton pants are acceptable. Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, or Capri pants may not be worn. Shoes should have a low heel and be tie‐style. Boots, clogs, athletic footwear, high‐heels, flip‐flops, slippers, or open‐toed shoes may not be worn. As a convenience to families, band shoes can be purchased through the Itasca Music Boosters. Sizes and orders are taken in the fall. Dress socks must be solid black.
Dress Code – Performance ProtocolPerformance is contingent upon meeting established uniform requirements. Prior to each concert, students must check in at the uniform inspection table. Students who are not fully or correctly outfitted will be asked to call home to remedy the situation before the performance begins.
AwardsPlaques, trophies, and medals are issued to celebrate student achievement and to motivate further achievement. Awards are based on merit and are issued at the spring concert.
Drum Major AwardThis award is issued to the eighth grade band student chosen to lead the Peacock Marching Band in the Memorial Day parade.
Graduating Musician AwardThis award is issued to all eighth grade musicians who complete their eighth grade year in band.
Instrumentation AwardThis award is issued to students who play a secondary instrument at the director’s request.
Librarian AwardThis award is issued to students who serve as music librarians.
Outstanding Marching AwardThis award is issued to students who memorize their parade music and demonstrate superior marching technique. Attendance at the Memorial Day parade and all parade rehearsals is required.
Sammy Nestico Award for JazzThis award is issued to one or more eighth grade Jazz Band musicians. Criteria includes superior musicianship and personal integrity as demonstrated through hard work, consistent practice and preparedness, faithful attendance, and a cooperative attitude.
Significant Achievement Award This award is issued to one or more eighth grade Symphonic Band musicians who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment and service to the band program. Criteria includes superior musicianship and personal integrity as demonstrated through hard work, consistent practice and preparedness, faithful attendance, participation in multiple ensembles, extra service (music librarian, student mentor, playing a secondary instrument), and a cooperative attitude.
Student Mentor Award This award is issued to Symphonic Band students who assist with Concert Band.
Years of Service Award Students who complete their sixth grade year in band receive the Bronze Medal. Students who complete their seventh grade year in band receive the Silver Medal. Students who complete their eighth grade year in band receive the Gold Medal.
Drum Major AwardThis award is issued to the eighth grade band student chosen to lead the Peacock Marching Band in the Memorial Day parade.
Graduating Musician AwardThis award is issued to all eighth grade musicians who complete their eighth grade year in band.
Instrumentation AwardThis award is issued to students who play a secondary instrument at the director’s request.
Librarian AwardThis award is issued to students who serve as music librarians.
Outstanding Marching AwardThis award is issued to students who memorize their parade music and demonstrate superior marching technique. Attendance at the Memorial Day parade and all parade rehearsals is required.
Sammy Nestico Award for JazzThis award is issued to one or more eighth grade Jazz Band musicians. Criteria includes superior musicianship and personal integrity as demonstrated through hard work, consistent practice and preparedness, faithful attendance, and a cooperative attitude.
Significant Achievement Award This award is issued to one or more eighth grade Symphonic Band musicians who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment and service to the band program. Criteria includes superior musicianship and personal integrity as demonstrated through hard work, consistent practice and preparedness, faithful attendance, participation in multiple ensembles, extra service (music librarian, student mentor, playing a secondary instrument), and a cooperative attitude.
Student Mentor Award This award is issued to Symphonic Band students who assist with Concert Band.
Years of Service Award Students who complete their sixth grade year in band receive the Bronze Medal. Students who complete their seventh grade year in band receive the Silver Medal. Students who complete their eighth grade year in band receive the Gold Medal.
Financial ObligationsParticipation in band requires financial investment. District 10 requires a $50 participation fee collected at the time of registration. In addition, each student must have an instrument, necessary accessories, a music stand, and method books.
BudgetsItasca School District 10 provides students with a well-‐rounded liberal arts education that promotes collaborative learning and creative thinking. This philosophy is backed by financial support in the form of supply, maintenance, and equipment budgets. If you see an administrator or school board member, thank them for their support!
Itasca Music BoostersThe Itasca Music Boosters consists of parents/guardians of students participating in the organization’s activities, as well as any person whose interest is to further the purpose of the group. The Itasca Music Boosters publish meeting dates at the following website:
FundraisingThe Itasca Music Boosters sponsor limited fundraising activities that may include coffee cake and pizza sales, school dances, and the spring Dinner and a Show (pasta supper).
Summer Involvements – Camp ScholarshipStudents are encouraged to explore the exciting world of summer music camp! Music camp lasts for one or two weeks during the months of June and July. While tuitions vary, a week at camp costs about$500. To help defray the cost, the Itasca Music Boosters have committed a portion of their funds to provide partial tuition scholarships. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in band or choir at F.E. Peacock Middle School. To learn about various camps, visit:
Why Music?Most parents want their children to do well in school, to make trustworthy friends, and to enjoy the richness of life. This is where band has impact. While much of education is impressionistic, band is expressionistic.
The study of music fosters wonderment, imagination, appreciation, and sensitivity. As a unique form of communication, music allows children to experience creative thinking through the medium of shaped sound. It showcases artistic intelligence and self‐expression while transmitting our cultural heritage to the next generation.
BudgetsItasca School District 10 provides students with a well-‐rounded liberal arts education that promotes collaborative learning and creative thinking. This philosophy is backed by financial support in the form of supply, maintenance, and equipment budgets. If you see an administrator or school board member, thank them for their support!
Itasca Music BoostersThe Itasca Music Boosters consists of parents/guardians of students participating in the organization’s activities, as well as any person whose interest is to further the purpose of the group. The Itasca Music Boosters publish meeting dates at the following website:
FundraisingThe Itasca Music Boosters sponsor limited fundraising activities that may include coffee cake and pizza sales, school dances, and the spring Dinner and a Show (pasta supper).
Summer Involvements – Camp ScholarshipStudents are encouraged to explore the exciting world of summer music camp! Music camp lasts for one or two weeks during the months of June and July. While tuitions vary, a week at camp costs about$500. To help defray the cost, the Itasca Music Boosters have committed a portion of their funds to provide partial tuition scholarships. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in band or choir at F.E. Peacock Middle School. To learn about various camps, visit:
Why Music?Most parents want their children to do well in school, to make trustworthy friends, and to enjoy the richness of life. This is where band has impact. While much of education is impressionistic, band is expressionistic.
The study of music fosters wonderment, imagination, appreciation, and sensitivity. As a unique form of communication, music allows children to experience creative thinking through the medium of shaped sound. It showcases artistic intelligence and self‐expression while transmitting our cultural heritage to the next generation.